Introducing the New Verdigris Gateway Setup Tool

Leigh Martin


June 10, 2022

Introducing the New Verdigris Gateway Setup Tool

From the beginning, Verdigris has re-imagined energy data collection with a focus on scalability. We intentionally designed our energy meters to be fast and simple to install, with less shutdown time required. Our Verdigris Smart CTs daisy chain together for safe, clean wiring and simple debugging. And as a cloud-connected solution, our software helps validate that sensors are installed correctly. All of this enables uptime in days (vs. months with other meters).

Now we’re making it even easier and faster to get your data live, with the release of our new gateway setup tool.

With a mobile-friendly design, the gateway setup tool provides a step-by-step guidance to help installers:
- Validate successful installation: 4-point checklist to ensure safe, complete, and accurate installation every time
- Set up network connectivity: Enable local (MODBUS or BACnet) or cloud (LTE/Wi-Fi/Ethernet) connection right at the time of installation
- Label panels and breakers: Confirm data channels are sending accurate and contextual information

By connecting to the Verdigris energy data gateway (EDG) hotspot with a smartphone, the installer will be able to see the setup tool directly. Step indicators on the top of the page show where you are in the process.

During the validation process, the setup tool will ensure that the serial number matches and that the SD card is properly secured.

Next, while setting up network connectivity, the tool will check that the CTs are correctly chained together or provide guidance if an error is detected.

After the chain check is complete, the setup tool makes it easy to label each breaker. Installer can scan the QR code on the scoping sheet to easily upload label information, or manually enter it in if needed. Verdigris smart CTs are auto-detected, and the installer can simply select phase and breaker labels from the pre-populated dropdown list. For large CTs, installers can specify CT size as coiled or hinged.

After a voltage check and final review, the onsite setup process is complete.

We’re excited to roll this out to our outstanding extended team of installers and electricians starting today to enable fast and successful installations. If you have an upcoming implementation and want to learn more about the new gateway setup tool, please contact us.

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